People who like to hear the pitter patter of little feet in the house should get a dog. You get twice the number of feet for half the number of mouths to feed! ~ bwd
Evidently there was a sticker on the pear that I just tossed into my smoothie. I don't think this is what they meant when they talk about foods that "stick to your ribs." ~ bwd
I really think my dog and cats have an agreement when it comes to anything food-related. The cat who was "getting a drink out of the fish tank" evidently knocked the fish food on the floor. The dog took the fish food outside and now the can is empty. Guess the fish didn't pay their union dues - now they'll be swimming with the fishes. Oh wait! They're fish! So, cement shoes for them? Oh wait! They have no feet! Maybe they've learned their lesson. The punishment is mine - to the pet store I go.
~ bwd
Morning: That time when you're reminded you're not 21 any more. You wake up without an alarm clock. You tell yourself you just have to make it to the coffee pot. On the way, you take some ibuprofen. You're the one who feeds the dog and once you have, you can't remember if you started the coffee or not. You sit down just in time to hear the alarm clock go off because you forgot to turn it off when you got up before it went off and you realize your cup of coffee is still on the counter.
~ bwd