When someone is experiencing tragedy, we should resist at all costs, the temptation to point out a silver lining in their sadness. Instead, let us weep with them, love on them, stand by them in the darkness and in time, the silver lining they discover on their own will be far more meaningful and offer much more comfort than anything we think to utter at the first sign of distress. ~ Jamee
My version... For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not go to bed when I know I should go to bed, but I do the very thing I hate and stay up too late!! ~ bdurys
"I'm your friend. I'm allowed to be blunt; it's one of the perks." Beauty and the Beast (CWTV)
Scrabble would be easier if it was combined with Wheel of Fortune and you could buy a vowel...
There's no fellowship without the food... and the french roast!
~ bwdurys
It's amazing how much I can get accomplished and yet not get done what I should be doing :)
~ bwdurys

Goodnight Gmail!

In the great livingroom
there was a laptop
And emails in volume
And a picture of--
My inbox never emptying...
~ bwd

Pet Peeves Galore
Irregardless of you're pet peeves, their effected by loosing the meaning of they're words'. But don't be nonplussed. I really could care less... literally. ~ bwd
There must be something magical about doorways because every time I go through one, I forget why I was going through it! ~ bwd
Why is it empty calories taste so much better?
~ bwd