National Coffee Week!

Twas the first Monday of autumn, when all through the house
Not a creature wanted to get up, not even the dog (we don't have any mice)
The clock alarms were set to wake us up with a start
In hopes that we could get the last pop-tart (hey, it rhymes)

The morning came early, they do that you know
The sun shone bright in every window (actually, its a rather gray day but go with it)
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But an email telling me it's National Coffee Week, now my favorite week of the year!

I sprang from the couch, to get that first cup,
And to the Keurig I trotted like a new pup (yeah, right. haven't had my coffee yet)
You may hear me exclaim, yes, you may even hear me say,
"Happy Coffee Week to all and to all a good day!!"
~ bwd